Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Back online; baby

Figured I'd start again; I've had a large number of ideas navigating their way around my brain lately and I need an outlet. I'm thinking maybe a book of some sort where a man loses his mind due to a large number of ideas navigating their way around his brain and he lacks an outlet, hence, insanity insues. I feel it to be a realistic plot.

In any case, I won't spoil what I plan to write about, but I will say this. Snow/Ice in England sucks. Big-time. People get aggy and try to start something. The other day for example, some fella decided to try and tell me how to drive:

Random Guy: You should leave off the breaks a lot more when it's icy cause that's the main reason people skid! Allowing the car to roll is much better!

Merke: Yes. I can see how allowing the car to pick up a literally unstoppable speed when coming to a tight, covered-in-ice corner is the sensible thing to do. I'm suprised I didn't pick up on this myself!

Random Guy: Don't take the mick, I'm a professional driver.

Merke: Mate, you're acting like a professional cunt. Do one, you prick.

\o/ 1-0. Stupid mug.

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